GB 9685-2008 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB9685-2008: Hygienic standards for uses of additives in food containers and packaging materials [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

Portada, 2014 M05 29 - 308 páginas
This Standard specifies the principles for uses of additives in food containers and packaging materials, the types of permissible additives, usage scope, maximum level, specific migration limit or maximum permitted quantity, and other restrictive requirements. This Standard is applicable to production, sales and users of all additives in food containers and packaging materials.

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Table A 1 Permissible Additives in Food Containers Packaging Materials

Términos y frases comunes

Acerca del autor (2014) specializes in providing translation services of all Chinese Standards.

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